That's it then

It's official we are homeless and have no where to go. All these years I've never thought about helping other people its just been natural to me. If i see someone that isn't having the best time and I'm able to help than without thinking that's what i do help. Do i expect anything in return? NEVER.
If anything i would think that you become my friend and if one day i needed you IE to phone up and talk to, that i would be blessed to have you to turn to.
I would give my friends anything. I have given my friends everything i have, a place to live, food to eat, clothes to wear. I've given them my time and energy, they have had a 100% of me when they have needed it. Never expecting anything in return. 
Throughout the years I've called upon my friends a handful of times and more times than i care to remember I've gone unanswered or been given the i wish i could help but i cant.
I have always thought that my problems have no answer no fix there for I've lived for my friends I've put them before myself each and every time and where has it got me?
For the first time in 33 years i'm homeless and i don't have a soul to call for help or to talk to. 
It hurts in a way that I've felt so many times before but this time there's an extra bit of sadness because i desperately want to quit, but i continue to look for someone to save me from myself and there just isn't one out there and the disappointment i feel is unbearable.
I feel like I've been used my entire life.
I don't know what my purpose is anymore i used to think i lived for my friends but i have none now so what am i here for?

my daughter needs to be taught about life and I've lost faith, hope and determination to survive despite the aversion that is thrown at me.


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