
Ruling Number 5 - The planet Mercury governs this number and those born under it are shrewd, mentally alert, industrious, diplomatic, intuitive and have sharp business acumen and a scientific temper. You are naturally attracted to people born between September 21 and October 20, between January 21 and February 20. You also have an affinity for those governed by the numbers 1, 5, 7 and 8. Number 5 is associated with business so you should enjoy great material success. You are shrewd and industrious and you should be able to build up a successful career for yourself. You are active and quick and agile, both physically and mentally. You are a good orator and are able to express yourself eloquently. You are self-motivated and have the ability to take your plans to their logical conclusion. You are deeply entrenched in family life and will cherish your children. Everything you do is characterised by speed, efficiency and determination. You like travelling and love change all the time. You have a broad and tolerant view of life and always act in the spirit of comradeship. You are always willing to reach out to those who need your help. Check yours at: Copyright © Numerology App


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